Review: Merry Christmas, Mr. Miggles

Merry Christmas, Mr. Miggles - Eli Easton

4.25 stars


I loved this! This was cute with a more serious undertone added to the mix. Just lovely.

Toby is the junior librarian in the small town he grew up in. He is very happy working with the head librarian Mr. Miggles.

Mr. Miggles is only about 10 years older than Toby’s own 24 years old, but because he is so proper, evenyone just calls him Mr. Miggles.

When someone accuses Mr. Miggles of something terrible, Toby knows he has to help Mr. Miggles, because for some reason Toby has been thinking of Mr. Miggles as Sean lately, instead of just his boss.

This was such a wonderful read. I was a bit worried about Mr. Miggles at first. I was scared he would not only be old, but act old. And I was afraid that the relationship between these guys would feel like a parent/child one. But no, that was so not the case. Mr. Miggles was a bit old-fashioned in his ways, always wore a suit to work, and could quote books by heart, but he was also just Sean, a man in his thirties who was crazy in love with Toby.

And we got some amazingly hot sexy times. In the library no less!

This was a great feel good story with a nice Christmas feel.