Slaking the Giant Ground Sloth

This week: Sloths. Yes, those adorable, little, cuddly creatures. Yeah…. never gonna look at them the same..

This book starts with ‘regular’ M/M sex…

When Gaspar comes of age he is to slake the sloth. No one knows what that means exactly, to slake a sloth..

So Marquez takes Gaspar up the hill to the giant sloth’s cave, where he is to slake the damn thing. But first Marquez has to tell Gaspar a thing or two about slaking.
“I am to be taken?” Gaspar said. “By the sloth? Taken by Santiago?” “You’d make a good macaw. Do you need it spelled out? The giant ground sloth—who we call Santiago, the guardian spirit animal of the village—is going to fuck you. In the ass. With his cock. His considerably large—some would even say massive—cock.”
And then Marquez just has to show Gaspar how it’s done himself.

After this it’s time for Gaspar to face the giant sloth.

No, I said GIANT Sloth.

Well, what comes next is really awful sloth sex…. *shudders*
The beast shifted its weight and pushed the tip against his still-open asshole. The administrations of the beast’s tongue had almost made Gaspar forget the threat of his hard cock, and did little to prepare him for the sheer size and lack of gentleness as Santiago forced his massive cock inside him. The beast pushed in with three fast strokes and Gaspar screamed. He felt as if he might be split in two, but he was as hard as the rock beneath the blanket.
Well, this book was not good *unhappy sigh*.
It was a crappy WSW read. Did not enjoy it. There was nothing remotely hilarious about it. It seems we keep picking the bad ones…
I am going to look at this for a while now, to see if I can get this image to take over my brain.