Crashing the Net

Crashing the Net - Samantha Wayland BR with Elsbeth and Julie

What I was expecting from this book:

Hot ice hockey players

Some ice hockey

Some friendly banter

And a whole lot of sexy times

But what we got was a whole lot of

We did get the ice hockey players. That was a plus!

But we did not get the ice hockey. These men could have easily been janitors.

And the banter or friendship development? This book has a serious case of too much tell and not enough show. It is described that Mike and Alexei develop a friendship. But I never really felt it.

This book did pick up somewhere around 75%, so that is why it was still an enjoyable read.

And the sexy times… that was what made this book 3 stars for me. The sex was hot! There was a very light Dominant/submissive thing going on in the bedroom that I really liked.

Other than that.. it was an okay read. But the writing could have been better.