Taylor Maid

Taylor Maid - Tara Lain Super sweet. Angst free (oh how I like those).

This was almost exactly like the old Harlequin novels I used to read. We have the arranged marriage trope, the fairytale like story, but with boys!

Taylor needs a wife, today. He found out he only gets his grandfather’s inheritance (50 million dollars!!) if he is married to a woman before he turns 25, which is tomorrow. That could be a bit of a problem since he’s gay. But he needs the money to build shelters for homeless kids (is this guy for real?), so he decides he needs to hire someone.

Taylor flies to Las Vegas to meet up with a call girl, who he plans to proposition. When she doesn’t show up, he has no idea what to do. He has only one other option and that is asking the cute maid he met at the hotel.

Taylor is seriously confused when he is actually attracted to Ally, the maid. Ally is hiding from her father so she agrees to marry Taylor and fly back with him to San Francisco.

It isn’t until they’re married and back in San Francisco that Taylor finds out Ally is actually Alessandro. He was getting worried he was turning straight, or at least bi. The two of them now only need to keep fooling Taylor’s father, or he won’t get the money.

I was happy to see these men finally getting it on once all secrets are revealed. Taylor didn’t make a huge fuss over Ally being a man. Especially since he really wanted her/him anyway.

This was super cute. I loved that there was no angst to speak of. Such a sweet story.